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CB Hoyo

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CB Hoyo was born in 1995 in Havana, Cuba. At a young age, he immigrated to the Dominican Republic, and now lives in Europe.

His artistic process began as a child, when he started interpreting the world through his paintings. Over the past few years, his work has increased in stature.
A self-trained artist, CB Hoyo continually produces works that celebrate life itself. Fresh, colorful, and fun are three words that easily describe his creations.
Working with any medium on any material, the artist uses a mixture of art historical trends but always incorporates his unique voice.
CB Hoyo is making a proper mark on the current art scene. Some of his works are already exhibited in private and public collections in 6 continents.



My work emerges from the fusion between art historical masterpieces and humorous thoughts of my own creation.

My first “fake” was a reproduction of an artwork by Andy Warhol® I made the painting without any  additions or signs of ownership 

but was not satisfied with the final outcome so I decided to write on it The text was simple direct and based on an article I had read about 

forgeries in the art world. The result was astonishing.

Later, I started recreating the works of artists such as Jean­Michel Basquiat, Mark Rothko, Pablo Picasso and Keith Haring among others As my 

practice developed. I began to consciously construct a relationship between the painting itself and messages of my texts. That’s how the

whole Fake series was born.

Gradually my painting skill matured and the slogans became more playful and provocative I was no longer thinking inside the box ­ not even thinking outside the box I took the box stomped on it and started running on my own. The Fakes became original and I found my own

voice to satirise an art world that often seems to celebrate monetary value above all else.

Although ultimately each of my pieces can and does stand alone all of my paintings are connected by the message uniting them, we live in an 

era shaped by social media and fake news, where artistic authenticity is highly questionable. My goal is to create a state of awareness about

today’s fake society and to remind people that art is a way of expression of having fun and that it should bring joy.


Selected Shows:

CB Hoyo ¬ Fake in Capri - Capri¬ Italy - August 31st ­ Mid September ¬ 2018 solo show 

CB Hoyo ¬ Istanbul Fakeover Istanbul¬ TurkeySeptember 20th ­ September 23rd ¬ 2018 solo show

CB Hoyo and Thirsty Bstrd¬ Krause Gallery CB Hoyo X Thirsty Bstrd New York¬ NY¬ USA October 13th ­ November ¬ 2018 two person solo show

Tax Collection x New Street gallery Paris¬ France October 18th ­ November 06th¬ 2018

Scope Miamiº Imitate Modern Miami¬ FL¬ USA December 2018

CB HOYO x The Art Plug Miami¬ FL¬ USA December 2018

TBD - Mexico City¬ Mexico February¬ 2019

CB Hoyo x John Paul Fauves Paris¬ France 2019 two person solo show


Previous Shows

2018 CB Hoyo¬ Made in Chinaº Hong Kong solo sow

2018 Scope Basel¬ One Arts Clubº Basel¬ Switzerland

2018 Kips Bay Decorator Show House ¬Philip Mitchell Designº New York¬ NY¬ USA

2018 Summer Editionsº Imitate Modernº London¬ UK


2018 Down The Rabit Hole º IMITATE MODERN London¬ UK

2018 UNAº The Art of Giving Backº Casa de Campo¬ Dominican Republic

2018 One Arts Clubº Fake Like Judasº Milan¬ Italy solo show

2018 AREAº Bacanal ¨Fake Reality©º Boston¬ MA¬ USA

2018 Papi Chuloº Krause Galleryº New York¬ NY¬ USA

2018 Keeping It Realº IMITATE MODERNº London¬ UK solo show

2018 Emerging to EstablishedºKrause Gallery New York¬ NY¬ USA

2018 The Art Plug§s Valentine Day Pickesº Marcel Katzº Miami¬ FL¬ USA

2018 Art Palm BeachºMarcel Katz Palm Beach¬ FL¬ USA

2017 – 2018 Mood Swingsº Marcel Katz¬ Oliver Cole Gallery º Miami¬ FL¬ USA

2017 Christmas Showº The Return of the Pop IMITATE MODERN º London¬ UK

2017 ING Discerning Eye Exhibitionº ING ¦ Discerning Eye º London¬ UK

2017 R®APEº FerArts º London¬ UK

2017 Brest Cancer Awernes Monthº Marcel Katz º Miami¬ FL¬ USA

2017 Moniker Art Fairº Imitate Modern » London¬ UK

2017 Reº Creationsº Imitate Modern º London UK

2017 Summer Editionº Imitate Modern º London UK

2017 Fake Rothkoº Imitate Modern º London UK

2017 Emerging to Establishedº Krause Galleryº New York¬ NY¬ USA

2016 Kanye Loves Kanyeº The Most Famous Artis tº Los Angeles¬ CA¬ USA

2015 Chalkº Donkeyº Bruges ¬ Belgium

2015 CB Hoyoº In Den Wittenkopº Bruges¬ Belgium

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